Sunday 30 June 2013

Project 2 - Walk Cycle

Attached Video is my AVI for Project 2 - Walk Cycle.

This is different from the Walk Cycle we had done as this was 1s (24Fps) Walk Cycle instead of 1 1/2 s (30Fps). However, i made reference to the Walk Cycle i had done for the lower parts (Pelvis, Legs, Etc) and manage to did the 1s (24Fps) Walk Cycle.

The Upper part is much more harder. One of the harder part is that to make a Model walk realistic it should behave like Human. Hence when we are walking we are not very stiff, this meant that i need to relax a few control such as the Fingers, etc. Also, when we are walking we will tend to move (Swing,Bend,etc). Hence by adding in this few things, it will make a walk more realistic and differ from a robot.

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